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R.H.J. Hebbink, J. Elshof, M.L. Duiverman, P.J. Wijkstra, and R. Hagmeijer

On the relation between tidal and forced spirometric curves

Med. Eng. Phys. 124 104099 (2024)

R.H.J. Hebbink, J. Elshof, M.L. Duiverman, P.J. Wijkstra, and R. Hagmeijer

Analysis of the relation between tidal and forced spirometric curves

presented at the ERS 2023 Congress, Milan (2023).

R.H.J. Hebbink, M.L. Duiverman, P.J. Wijkstra, and R. Hagmeijer
Upper airway pressure distribution during nasal high-flow therapy 
Med. Eng. Phys. 104 103805 (2022).

H.J. Hebbink and R. Hagmeijer
Tidal spirometric curves obtained from a nasal cannula 
Med. Eng. Phys. 97 pp. 1-9 (2021).

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