PredEx stands for 'Prediction of (COPD) Exacerbations'. It is a retrospective clinical study, sponsored by AMES, conducted by the University of Twente and three Dutch hospitals: OLVG, MST, ZGT. In this study, the breathing-pattern data of volunteering patients are collected: patients record their breathing pattern twice a day for 2 minutes at home, just by normally breathing through their nose while wearing a standard nasal cannula that is connected to small research device. Using a pressure sensor at the end of the cannula tube, the data is transmitted to a research app (DOOP Business Solutions), that transmits the data further to a server.
The data collection takes place from October 2024 to April 2025, and after completion the derived breathing-patterns will be compared to the use of prednison and/or antibiotics, and the admittence or discharge from hospital. The results of the study will be helpfull in guiding future research on the prediction of COPD exacerbations.